The Christian Soul: Obligation

I mentioned before that there has been, woven throughout our discussion on Christian Spirituality, a progression. And now we reach a turning point in that progression. Having concluded the Christian life is essentially a work of God taking place on the inside of us, we now turn inward. Continue reading “The Christian Soul: Obligation”

The Christian Soul: Peace

The cold has been creeping into the early mornings hours where I live these past few days as we inch our way toward Christmas. Which is always a small miracle in Southern California. As I step outside and breathe the crisp air betraying just a hint of the ocean, I am struck by the beauty of it all.

On mornings like this I am reminded why I write. Not just write, but write the way I do: At times with near scientific precision on matters that, to be honest, belong to the domain of awe and wonder, not scientific inquiry.

But I do so because there was a time when I could not find beauty in anything. A soul distracted and encumbered cannot perceive, let alone appreciate, the beauty around it. Continue reading “The Christian Soul: Peace”

The Christian Soul: Perfection

Have you ever wondered why God did not make us perfect the moment we received Jesus? I have.

There was a time in my life when I would have given anything to be perfect. Or at least, less imperfect. I wanted to be a radical follower of Jesus, one who was open and bold about my faith in God, one willing to pay any price for the sake of the Kingdom, just as Jesus had. I not only wanted to be; I needed to be. For in my way of thinking, to be perfect was to be perfectly accepted. Continue reading “The Christian Soul: Perfection”

The Christian Soul: Reflection

If you have been following our conversation regarding Christian spirituality, you will know that we have arrived at the conclusion that the Christian life essentially is, and must be, an ongoing supernatural encounter with God. Continue reading “The Christian Soul: Reflection”

The Christian Soul: Learning to Drive

In our recent discussions about Christian spirituality, we have taken time to discuss the concept of obedience and its antithesis, freedom. We have done so because Christian spirituality is built on the principle of surrender. Other forms of spirituality seek to meet God, or access the divine, through various methods and disciplines that largely amount to an attempt to control our circumstances, our lives, or others.

But Christianity works the opposite way. Being a child of God is all about surrendering one’s freedom in order to experience God, and be one with God. This is what leads us to abundant life, deep joy, and incredible fruitfulness — success in this life, if you will. Continue reading “The Christian Soul: Learning to Drive”