The Least You Can Do is Let Me Control You

In my previous article on  marriage and relationships, I discussed Suzanne Venker’s new book, The Alpha Female’s Guide to Men & Marriage: How Love Works, and also my own journey in discovering the liberating dynamics of traditional roles in marriage. Continue reading “The Least You Can Do is Let Me Control You”

On the Week Anniversary of the Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage

When I consider the plight of the homosexual, from the very beginning of his (or her) journey, at the very moment he discovers that his sexual attraction is not to the opposite sex but to his own, and that plain and simple he is not like others, to the consequent inner conflict that inevitably follows (which for many involves attempts to deny this realization and “be straight”), to that final moment of coming to accept his situation as seemingly unalterable, and finally — for many in this point in history — to that defining moment where he declares, both to himself and to the world, that his situation is not something he struggles with but rather who he is, that his lifestyle as a gay man is just as acceptable and normal as those of his “straight” counterparts, and because of this, he has every right as an American citizen to be treated equally as a gay man; when I consider all of this, then I must conclude that last Friday was for many a moment not only of profound historic but also profound personal significance. Continue reading “On the Week Anniversary of the Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage”